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The Big Bang Theory

So... everyone hates this show.

The nerds feel attacked, the non-nerds feel excluded. And yet it ran for 11 seasons and was wildly popular until the end.

It reinforced the idea in my head of vocal minorities. Detractors complain. Proponents are silent. The squeeky wheel gets the grease, and all of a sudden the internet dislikes TBBT. It's like the Nickelback of TV shows. But the point is that someone is listening, someone is watching.

I'm one of those someones, I guess. I know I like a lot of things that "nerds" such as myself say are bad. I liked the Cowboy Bebop live action series on Netflix.

I feel like detractors just want to say negative things, have inflated thoughts of their own opinion, and drown out the majority of proponents.

Some things in TBBT made me laugh out loud in a way that rarely happens. When Sheldon says, in response to the question of how he knew he was a giant when everything around him was to scale, "I was wearing size 1,000,000 pants."

There's some valid criticism about dumping on people with neurodivergence, but that's not what I hear. What I hear is that the nerdiness is not accurate (which is is, enough for a TV show) or complaints about the characters being cliches (they are, that's really how sitcoms work.)

In short, I think we have an effect like this: