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Dark Souls

Un-dated microblog format.

1: Okay, I get that this game is supposed to be hard, but this is absurd. I cleared the Asylum with little problem, but now I'm getting absolutely butchered by those skeletons in the graveyard. This is completely imbalanced.
2: It seems I was trying to go the wrong way. The path through Undead Burg is easier.
3: Okay this game is awesome.
4: Okay this Capra Demon is bullshit.
5: I put a shield on and killed the dogs, now the Capra demon is dead. Like my spirit.
6: Okay fuck these sludge tunnels and every curse-vomiting lizard in them.
7: Wait there's a back door?
8: Okay the back door is much easier.
9: Heh, spiderbewbs.
10: Okay fuck this spiderlady and her lava.
11: Heh, mute spiderbewbs.
12: This game is making me angry, why am I still playing?
13: Seriously, I've died 800 times and have been playing for 11 hours straight.
14: I should be writing a Bachelor's Thesis.
15: Sen's Fortress axes are assholes.
16: ... damn Anor Londo is pretty
17: Anor Londo is fucking awful. Who put this rafters section in the game and why weren't they fired?
18: or killed?
19: Okay I cleared the rafters, activated the lift and got SNIPED BY AN ARCHER FIRING MISSILES.
20: Bonfire. Friend?
21: Ornstein as Smough are the most unbalanced thing in this game so far.
22: Seriously this is bullshit. What were the developers smoking?
23: Oh good, when I kill one of them, the other gets all their health back and goes Super Saiyan.
24: Fucking fuck.
25: Introduce that giant hammer into your own rectum.
26: Okay I killed them. Fuck both of these enemies. I hope their faces melt.
27: Amazing Chest Ahead.
28: Did that painting just attack me?! I can't even look at a painting in this fucking game.
29: Oh this is a pretty zone. It reminds me of Finland.
30: Just got stabbed. Still reminds me of Finland.
31: The boss didn't attack me and asked me to leave her in peace. Still very much reminds me of Finland.
32: Well, Ceaseless Discharge died quickly.
33: What is this Bed of Chaos bullshittery.
34: I spent more time running to that boss than I spent fighting it.
35: Pinwheel died immediately. Why am I suspicious?
36: Ah, Gravelord Nito, that's why.
37: You wouldn't even be difficult without your constantly reviving adds, you dead fuck.
38: ... okay maybe you would.
39: Hah, now you died. Dead fuck.
40: PUPPY!
41: Don't make me kill the puppy.
42: =(
43: If they're called 4 kings, why did I kill 5 of them?
44: Seath the assless.
45: Seriously where are his legs?
46: Where did all my health go?
47: Time for the final boss!
48: Oh, he can be parried.
49: But if I don't parry, I die.
50: High risk parry win.
51: Well, that was fun. I'll try the DLC now. It can't be any harder than this.